Bogotá, Colombia.
Dirigida a pacientes de la EPS Sanitas.
Se realizaron talleres educativos a pacientes de la EPS Sanitas, en terapia con insulina y complicaciones de la diabetes.
Sedes Sanitas, Bogotá, visitadas:
- Toberín (30 mayo)
- Zona In (01 junio)
- Calle 80 (06 junio)
Educational workshops for patients at EPS Sanitas headquarters.
Aimed at patients of the EPS Sanitas.
Educational workshops were conducted for patients of the EPS Sanitas, in insulin therapy and diabetes complications.
EPS Sanitas headquarters, Bogotá, visited:
- Toberín (may 30)
- Zona In (june 01)
- Calle 80 (june 06)